Friday, November 30, 2018

Thanksgiving to Christmas

Oh my gosh my sewing friends; it's been 4 years since I wrote here.  

I hear the Amtrak tooting its horn in the distance - such a mournful sound; yet...reminiscent of traveling days gone by - places we visited, people shared with....many years, many miles, many wrinkles, too many new generations.  

Life is amazing.  So many memories to cherish, people to recall;  MANY...whose 'footprints' are set in my heart's 'cemented places of freeze-frame memories'.

DH deals with increasing medical issues, but - per his usual unstoppable MO JO, persists in his tenacious handle on life, acceptance, the ultimate capacity to Love...  He is and has always been, and WILL always remain my 'resident angel'...teaching me the art and depth of forgiveness and tenacity. 

 A new 'kitty-kitty' graces our property - a Loving, cuddly, combination of need-to-be-Loved...but scared as well – bundle of creation.  As I sit in the dried up garden, he cavorts in numerous variations of rubbing, snuggling, twisting and turning under my 'petting hand'.. his capacity for Love and closeness...soothed my low mood - reminded me that Love - is the ultimate bond that gathers us all together in an Earth-Recipe that can boggle the mind and fill the senses with awe, wonder, mystery and hardship.

This is by no means an easy life. Neil de Grasse Tyson, the new Captain of the show Cosmos which was originally charted so amazingly by my hero and mentor - Carl Sagan, does a pretty good follow-up job.  When asked if he believed in God, his response was something in the order of..."No Loving God I can imagine would put us on such a dangerous planet!"   And indeed, planet Earth can be an unsafe path to navigate.  When one begins to ponder the numerous manners in which one could 'pass on' even in their own home - well, it's craziness. We are so fragile and yet so strong....all of Creation.  The complexities of life....

I'd rather recall..

-the new chicks crawling out from under Mama's wings.  
-the new-born foal struggling for purchase on brand new, not-so-cooperating, shaky legs
-a new bird cracking through the prison/bassinet of pale blue shell, aching to spread it's wings, taste it's first beak of clear water, yearning for the moment of first flight through the pale blue and white wonder of the space we

But this is a sewing blog! is.

These past few weeks, I am know that creative state of mind where those video - type, constantly moving - 3D mind games, begin to grab images and place them in puzzle-like a new 'creation' from the depths of human imagination - begins to slowly merge into a...'creatable' piece of clothing?!  

A new Shawl is coming together in my creative space.  It will be crafted with artisan hand-sewing using #10 crochet thread...placed along the edges of seamed pieces of used, earth-colored (with some brighter pastels) pieces of old sweatshirts.  The SOFTNESS of the double-knit fabric calls me; the slight stretchiness...soothes my rough emotional edges of late.  It will be comfortable, warm and of little stress to my financial reserves.

I'm imagining... some of the lovely embroidery left on older sweatshirts - still intact and lovely...added as patchwork in a few places...   Yes,,,coming soon....

I can find no similar YouTube videos on such uses of these plentiful thrift-shop goodies. This may be something new to pass along......



Stay tuned!
