Saturday, February 15, 2020


Well folks, it is the 15th of February, 2020, LEAP YEAR as DH reminded me.  And that shawl I so carefully explained and promised - OMG - almost two years still IN PROCESS.  Time waits for nothing!  

Noticed that, did 'ya! 

We are sojourning in the heavenly state of Oregon for another month or two before we mosy back to our roots in Colorado.  Oregon is too beautiful folks!  Moss hanging everywhere.  Water running around literally - every corner.  Rain - except for summer = several times a week.  NO WIND!  Well - they CALL it wind here.  Little do they know how SE Colorado WIND behaves.  But that - is for another post.

The soil I am convinced - has steroids in it 'cause...if you put ANYTHING in it - it grows...IN DAYS!  HMMMM...where did I put my dollar bills...

Probably not.

Just renewed this domain so you folks can simply input POTHOLDERSPLUS and it will bring you here, to this BLOGSPOT URL.  A new - expanded website upcoming in a 'few' to include all the OLD posts and pics.

DH still struggling.  Oh my but the trooper, that he is.  We've named our 'guardian angels', his is FRANK.  I talk to Frank -A LOT!  Hope he hears me.  DH can use some UNEARTHLY HEALING.  That too...another story, another day.

So for now - welcome back folks.  I promise to not be away so much.  New projects to create.  Some started - to be finished. Fabric still "follows" me - no matter how much I try to sell and give away. Such a burden.  Yeah - RIGHT! subjective, right?  RIGHT!

I just acquired an early 1970's GOLDEN TOUCH 'n SEW model 750 in a nice, deluxe cabinet, available for sale.  Just had it tuned - "Dane" gave it "thumbs up" - actually charging only half price, it was so clean and well-cared for.  The plastic gears are solid; it's clean; even has a (1970's version) needle threader in it!  The manual is good/readable - simply missing the original cover.

18 extra bobbins.  The amazing auto bobbin winder, a feature that sometimes stops working on these machines - works beautifully.  I have always loved this feature.  Not only do you simply fill the bobbin without the usual fuss and fanfare of removal and cutting of thread and re-threading (ALL THAT UNNECESSARY with this dollbaby) but the bobbin thread gets wound at the same tension every time! Let me know if you want additional information on this.

Couple extra feet, 3 different feed dog plates - even one for darning/free-motion quilting etc., to cover feed dogs. AND...a bunch of fashion discs including FLEXI-STITCH ones.

"Angel wings" sent to you all.  We can all use a the ground time - so to speak.

Some special Angel wishes:

-My dear Son is moving; can use some UPLIFT for improved health and increased strength thru his journey ahead
- Pastor Kent and his wife Lora are retiring soon, and moving. All that stress...can use some "intervention".
-Special CO friend with financial roadblocks; Angel strength and power wished her way.
-Some homeless folks - in particular, an elderly couple in poor health here in Oakridge, needing some INTERVENTION as well as so VERY many homeless folks across our nation - and the world.

Looking for a particular type of potholder?  Or a unique pillow case pattern?

Jenny Doan at Missouri Star Quilt Company has a neat video on a quick, almost magic method for a darling pillowcase.

Mr. Domestic shows the same method...with a few giggles to boot!

Yoan has a magical way of smiling her words across that makes her sewing seem - well...magical! Beautiful work.

Scrappy Patch youtube has a unique and utilitarian way to make potholders that are easy to hold - and strong. Gotta love denim!

Guys, gals - no matter! DH has sewn too..."back in the day".  ANYONE can enjoy their creative juices with small projects like potholders.

If you want to see a special pattern for a potholder or any other small sewing project, please let us know here at POTHOLDERSPLUS. We'll 'get r done'!

Please give us your feedback.  We would enjoy hearing all about your sewing experiences.

And as we always say here at Potholdersplus; "There's always room for one more"!

Goodnite George....

Goodnite Gracie.

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