Friday, February 22, 2013

Crazy, Scrappy Quilting Tips

I garnered a few quilting tips over the past week while surfing through some Scrappy Quilting sites. I've pulled out three and expounded on them below.  Hopefully, they may help your next project achieve a higher finish to perfection. I know these tips will give my Scrappy, Crazy Quilting a new touch.

With many of my Crazy,  Scrappy Quilting potholders, I find it cumbersome at times when sewing on the binding because the pieces of fabric on the edge tend to move around.  Andie Johnson runs a stitch line around the backside of her block to stabilize these edge pieces.  Great tip, Andie...and your Scrappy, Quilting block is lovely, as well!

Jennifer has a Scrappy, Crazy Quilted table runner on Etsy that shows a nice arrangement of interlocking strips.  She arranged her pieces so they gently flow from the typical 5 sided center beginning, into an interlocking directional flow of 2 basic angles aiming toward the ends.  This arrangement gives a sense of motion, direction and added length to the overall look of the finished piece. Nice touch of creativity, Jennifer.

Judie gives a short, precise tutorial on a Crazy, Scrappy Quilted block.  Though I've seen numerous explanations on how to keep the original angles going as you work out from the center piece, this simple tute leaves no mystery to making a perfect Scrappy block. And your embellishments are stunning, Judie!

Added note:  Some videos and tutorials suggest that you sew down (usually 1/8 inch from the edges) all 4 or 5 sides of your center beginning piece onto your foundation block fabric.  I find that using 505 spray adhesive (or your favorite brand) on the back of this piece, saves time and serves the same purpose.  As an added bonus, spraying keeps the entire piece of fabric stable, for whatever quilting you do afterwards.

We'd love to see and learn from your quilting tips and short cuts you use with your Scrappy, Crazy Quilting method.  Feel free to leave a comment.

Potholders are an easy, quick method of quilting - trying out your new-found skills.  Practice brings perfection oh-so-much-closer, and with a minimum of fabric, time and energy.  And you now own a lowly potholder - an indispensable part of the kitchen team.

Here at Le Petit Chat..... ...there's always room for one more!

                                  Not ANOTHER flash in my eyes!

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