PHOTO BELOW taken from www.sewisee.blogspot,com

I found this cutie idea On Michael's blog, sewisee and HAD to share. Michael recommends a plastic jar for traveling; I think the plastic is a durable idea, though the glass gives a more vintage feel and shows clearer.
The reversing cushion idea holds some added creative promise, I think...just haven't found a good idea for it yet??? Your ideas, perchance?? Please leave a comment below...or e-mail me at I'll throw your name in the hat for our February 1 drawing for 2 new potholders for your kitchen. If you are a 'kitty fan', don't miss this free opportunity.
Martha Stewart has her own 'kitty collection'; don't miss seeing her myriad of cat photos through this link.
Happy potholdering...or any other 'plus' you are deep into at the moment. Stop by; rest a spell; chat for a few; give us a glimpse into your special little sewing corner.
Remember - with potholders...there's always room for one more!
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